Question: A reporter interviewed me about tips on exercise. She did a story on
this subject using info I gave her. You guessed it. She didn’t give me credit. How do I prevent this from happening?
Answer: This happens from time to time and it stinks! I would definitely make a note of the name of the reporter and the magazine. Should they contact you again, I’d begin by negotiating with them. Definitely lay out terms: if you use my material, you will quote me with these words. Otherwise, don’t waste your time.
Most reporters know how the game is played. Also, they realize they must quote you to give their story credibility. So in MOST cases, this is a non-issue.
However, sometimes editors cut names because of space.
Sometimes your name might be cut if you give the same information as five other sources. In this case, reporters consider the information generic and don’t feel as if it needs to be attributed.
Don’t ever start a conversation with a journalist who is new to you by negotiating. It sets a bad tone, as they know you are seeking ink and will give it to you — in most cases.
If this does happen, you can ask the reporter “What happened?” Maybe they’ll feel guilty and owe you one.
Assume the best and plan for the worst.
I hope this helps.
Dan Janal
Your Fearless PR LEADER
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