When’s the last time you raised your rates?
Way too long!
Vickie Sullivan, a superb coach to speakers, said that she raises her rates every year, no matter what.
Vickie gave dozens of other tips on how she run her business that have created a 6-figure coaching business on our Coaching Wizards teleseminar last week. You can learn how she balances her life, gets new clients, keeps clients, markets her business in a CD or read the transcript by clicking here:
https://www.prleads.com/coach-sullivan.htm. You’ll find a lot of great information that you won’t find anywhere else.
This week’s Coaching Wizard will be Linda Hollander, “The Wealthy Bag Lady.” We’ll be focusing on how to get corporate sponsorships and how to use public seminars to grow your business! For information on attending the seminar for free, or for ordering the CD or transcript, go to: https://www.prleads.com/coach-hollander.htm
Thursday, January 19, 2006
2-3 p.m. Eastern time
Register for the free seminar here:
If you’d like to order the CD recording of this event for $29.95, click here:
If you’d rather read the transcript, order it for $19.95 by clicking this link:
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