It is amazing how many people are returning to PR LEADS these days to get the best leads from the best media sources. If you’ve tried the rest, now you can try the best. We helped create this concept of reporters leads and matching them with sources more than 10 years ago. Here’s how PR LEADS helped our newest returnee.
“I had a very positive experience with PR Leads; it helped me build my original platform, which helped secure my literary agent, who sold my book; it helped me secure my current publicists, who are now working on selling me. But, I find I can still get my own stuff, sometimes when they can’t. So while they are working on the big radio and TV ops I’ll continue to work on my end as I get the Dr. John brand out there.”
John McGrail, PhD
Author of The Synthesis Effect (
Congratulations to these PR LEADers who got press in major publications this past week:
Dr. Tasha Eurich, Leadership Consultant, Forbes
Lydia Ramsey, Etiquette Expert, Chicago Tribune
Patrick LeFler, Management Consultant, San Diego Business Journal
If you are jealous that you weren’t quoted, sign up for PR LEADS at or call 952-380-9844.
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