PR LEADS helps retired Marine colonel get publicity for consulting business
John T. Boggs Thank you for your service. I have clearly made a good investment. I have had the great pleasure of being interviewed for the second time, and being asked to be the expert source for an article that is being featured in the CEO Magazine Annual Edition. I was quoted three times in the article! John [...]
Careers Author Gets Publicity with PR LEADS Publicity Service
Dana Manciagli “I’m one month into my solopreneurship, recently leaving Corporate America. I’m a nobody. I always thought the people quoted in articles were already famous. Until now. I learned about from a webinar and thought I would try it for a few months since I was skeptical anyway. Between my first day of April 2 [...]
The “Facebook Likes” and “Twitter Followers” Lie from “Internet Marketing Confidential”
Premise: They claim, “Your popularity on social media is determined by the number of “Likes” you have on Facebook and “Followers” you have on Twitter.” Definition: It seems like every social media site publishes the number of people who “like” or who “follow” you. The idea is that if you have more followers, then you must have more trust, more [...]
Internet Marketing Confidential Book Featured on Times Square Giant Electronic Billboard!!
I was a guest on a #ProfNet #ConnectChat recently. To promote the event, PR Newswire posted the picture of "Internet Marketing Confidential" on their electronic billboard in Times Square! Here's a link to the transcript of the chat.
Book Pubishing: Is This a Good Book Launch Strategy?
Internet Marketing Confidential Riddle me this, Batman, as the Joker said to the thief… Here’s a book marketing strategy told to me: 1. When you speak and do your book launch, offer your book for free in eBook format. If you do this, zillions of people will get your book for free. Amazon will wake up and say, [...]
PR LEADS Helps Business Consultant Create Original Content
Val Wright “PRLEADS provokes my thinking and accelerates the rate I write articles. If my input doesn't get used, I repurpose it for my newsletter or other marketing. Thank you for your personal and thoughtful feedback. “ Val Wright President Val Wright Consulting