The results of last week’s PR LEADS-Ophrah challenge are in!
And the winner is…
No one!
You’ll remember that I challanged readers to let me know if they appeared on Oprah and sold $10,000 worth of books — and could prove it. I was testing the theory that if you appear on Oprah, then your fame and fortune are assured.
Let me assure you that I didn’t believe that being on Oprah would have the life-changing transformation that many authors think. Here are three stories that I received.
The first was from a virtual assitant for a fairly famous author who appeared on Oprah in the midst of a long book tour sponsored by his publisher (ever dream of getting one of those?) and his book was already on the New York Times Best Seller List.
It is hard to say what impact Oprah has on his success. Chances are he helped increase Oprah’s ratings that day.
I received another email from a PR person who was grateful that I offered this challenge, since she too was sick and tired of hearing her clients say, “So, when are you going to get me on Oprah?”
Finally, I received one letter that put everything into perpsective and I thank the author Pat Wiklund for allowing me to reprint it for your benefit:
Hi Dan,
I have been on Oprah. Twice as a matter of fact, and the second time they called me!
Even though the first time I was on, we did get a nice spike in sales, I can’t remember how much money it was. (It was over 10 years ago.) The appearance and the money didn’t catapult me into the fame and fortune most folks want/expect or believe automatically happens because they “have been on Oprah!”
Here’s how it did “help” and I am using the quotes intentionally.
I don’t lead with the fact that I’ve been on Oprah, with most of my marketing materials. The book I was promoting is not what I am doing today, and is totally inappropriate with my corporate clients.
When people do find out, typically from someone else telling them, they are real impressed. Then the conversation turns to one of two questions:
I wrote a book, would you please tell Oprah I’d be perfect for her show?
Or, my best friend/cousin/member of my networking/leads group needs to be on Oprah because she has the perfect product and if she were on the show her business would soar.
When I tell them I won’t call Oprah for them, inevitably they respond with some version of “but you should, that’s what networking is all about!”
I am not their agent, don’t know them, their product, their book, how good they would be on tv, much less what Oprah is doing this season. (shall I go on here??????) My referrals reflect on my judgment and integrity with a high valence resource.
Networking is not about blanket referrals for someone I’ve just met and don’t know to one of my prime contacts. When I refer someone it is because I have benefited from their products or services, have carefully screened them for applicability and appropriateness, and stand behind them with the people I care about most… my clients, prospects, and colleagues.
One last point: did I make money on my books? You bet. But not from being on TV… but giving presentations and selling the books back of the room, by repositioning the information into multiple info products that I continue to sell (10 years later) from the web and as bonuses, add on products, and “do it for yourself” coaching and learning programs.
So, write the book, learn how to do teleseminars, learn how to sell on teleseminars, learn how to sell at the back of the room, and stop looking for the golden ring that will magically propel your success. Success for most of us is 99.9999% perspiration and self promotion, not a single appearance on a national tv show.
Sorry about the rant, but you hit one of my hot spots!!!
Keep up the good work, you are one of the anchors for all of us.
Patricia Wiklund Ph.D.
Wiklund & Associates
236 West Portal Ave #349
San Francisco, CA 94127
(415) 641-5997
Leveraging the Strategic Power of Soft Skills tm
Thanks, Pat, for reinforcing the idea that success is achieved in baby steps. People who try for the one “Magic Bullet” are often left holding a cliche.
I conducted about 30 teleseminars last year teaching people how to market their books. I’m making the audios files (MP3s) and digital transcripts available to authors for just $199. Click here to learn more about this offer.
For one low price, you’ll get a ton of terrific information.
Dan Janal
Your Fearless PR LEADER
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