In these tough economic times, news reports show that people are beginning to forego general checkups as well as elective procedures to save money, despite the toll it might take on their health.


To be an effective health care provider, you have to get new patients and clients. Without new people to treat, you won’t have a business. But most people hate to do sales or marketing.


So what can you do to market your business with little time and effort so you get new patients?


5 Simple, Highly Successful Tactics That Doctors and Health Care Providers Can Use to Get New Patient Fast


  1. Conduct a publicity campaign. No one will know about your new procedure, breakthrough treatment or tremendous track record unless you tell people! Contact your local media – television, radio and newspaper and let them know you have treatments that can help people! Publicity is your cheapest tool, so use it consistently. Contact a reporter every week by phone to arrange for an interview. Chances are that there are many radio stations in your town that need to interview a health expert. It might as well be you! There are also probably many newspapers, ranging from big metro dailies with health reporters, to local suburban newspapers and alternative newspapers that would love to have you write a column for them. Start calling and you’ll get new clients! All it costs is a few hours of your time, or your secretary’s time to find the contact info for different reporters and call them. For a list of media that cover your audience, go to To get requests for information from reporters go to


  1. Speak at local civic groups. Associations like Rotary, Lions, Exchange, and chambers of commerce need to have medical experts talk to their members. If you choose this tactic, you’ll get a chance to build your visibility and credibility at the same time.  You can talk about the problems your treatments solve from weight loss, to back pain relief to aging issues. It’s up to you – and the meeting planner. Check with them to find out what their members are really interested in. Your payoff? Audience members become your patients. Extra payoff: They tell their friends who then call you for an appointment!  Again, all it costs is a few hours of your time or your secretary’s time. Once you start speaking, other groups probably will contact you to speak to their groups, so you’ll spend less time hunting. Here’s a link to a book I wrote that will show you how to speak at local civic groups and get new clients or patients:


  1. Create a CD explaining the virtues of your practice and give the CD to all patients. It will encourage repeat visits, build trust and rapport and answer basic questions. It could also talk about new treatments and options they might not have been aware of. For example, botox was once an unknown procedure! Also, ask patients to give the CD to their friends so you can get new clients as well as get more business from existing patients. Topics could include: “7 Benefits of Chiropractic Services,” “How to reduce lower back pain,” “Facts and Myths about bariatric surgery” (of course, you should put in your topics instead of mine!). You can record these CDs on your computer and have them duplicate it yourself if you are doing a handful. If you are doing 100 or more, you might want to use a local CD duplication company. Check the Internet or phone book in your area to get the best prices. Cost: Free if you record the sessions yourself. CDs cost $2-3 to reproduce if you ship this out. If you do it yourself, maybe $1 including the CD and label. Here’s a service that is low cost and lets you record sessions that you can download and record to CD or put on your website:
  3. Redo your website. If your website isn’t getting you clients, you need to hire a webmaster who knows a thing or two about marketing. Health care offices can definitely get new clients with a website that uses successful website conversion and direct response copywriting methods. A good website would have your bio, picture, and areas of treatment or specialization, at a minimum. Write articles and post them to the site so you can be perceived as an expert. Also, make sure your web site isn’t costing you business. I’ve seen too many websites make the mistake of not including office hours, directions, phone numbers an email addresses. Don’t overlook the obvious. Cost: Varies by scope of project.   Here’s a group that I recommend:



  1. Turn your waiting room into a Hall of Fame. Take each article you’ve written, or been quoted in, and frame them. Then hang them on a wall in your waiting room. This will make you look like the most famous person in the world. Extra tip: If you are quoted in an article with other people, highlight your quote in yellow highlighter ink so it will stand out. Cost: Frames cost about $20-$40.


If you follow these tips, you’ll have an easier time finding new patients and growing your medical practice.


About the Author:


Dan Janal has helped hundreds of wellness practitioners get publicity in daily newspapers with his PR LEADS service. Now, he’s consulting wellness professionals on how to turn their publicity and information products into profits. Go to and claim your FREE 1-to-1 Coaching Session with PR LEADS Founder Dan Janal.

