If You Build a Blog, How Do You Get them to Read It?
Everyone has a blog. But how can you use it increase your visibility and publicity?
Join me and Nettie Hartsock – Principal of Hartsock Communications – www.nettiehartsock.com and Business Advisor and Editor for Allbusiness.com’s Must Read Business Books Blog to learn how.
In our teleclass Nettie will tackle how to use your blog to grow your business, how to reach out to other blogs, and build a stellar blogroll, how to drive traffic to your blog, how to join the blog carnival and how to blog tip and play blog tag without ever leaving your office. She’ll also cover blogger fear and how to best approach the blogosphere and make connections with fellow peers in your arena.
Here’s what we’ll cover.
” I’ve got a blog but no one visits…
” How do I drive traffic to my blog?
” Can I join in blog tag?
” What’s a blogroll got to do with it?
” How can I hitch a ride on the blog carnival?
” What good is commenting on other blogs and why should I do it?
” The 5 misconceptions about blogging.
” Ten Tips to Reaching out to Bloggers for PR
” How to boost your blog viability, ranking and blog carnivals.
” Taking your first dance at the Bloggers Ball and how to make sure you’re wearing the right shoes
” How do I measure and track my blog’s success?
As a PR LEADS blog reader, there is no cost to attend. Just call in to this teleseminar!
Thursday, January 25, 2006
2-3 p.m. Eastern
1-2 p.m. Central
11-Noon Pacific
Please call in 5 minutes to the hour. We have only 100 lines and it will fill up.
(218) 486-1105
Conference ID:
If you’d like your own teleseminar line for your conference calls like this one, click here:
Nettie’s “reaching out to bloggers” wisdom was selected by MarketingSherpa for the Wisdom 2007 report – http://www.leadernotes.com/2007/01/are_the_best_leaders_born_or_m.html .
If you click on the link and open it as a PDF You can read Nettie’s comments on page 18.
Here are links to Nettie’s sites:
Allbusiness.com’s Must Read Business Books Blog
Professional PR blog – http://www.allbusiness.com/marketing/public-relations/2975292-1.html
Paste these links into your browser.
See you there!
Dan Janal
Your Fearless PR LEADER
P.S. Remember, no need to register, just dial in.
P.S. No, we’re not selling CDs. If want the info, call in! Or send me an email and ask how you can get access to all our teleseminars.
Kudos to you and Nettie for a content-rich teleseminar! I started a blog for sales and marketing ideas in December, and I picked up a slough (a southern term in honor of Nettie)of ideas. The area of blogging is so new and so dynamic that many of us in business don’t know the strategies and tactics to make blooging an effective part of out marketing and promotion.
As a result of this call, I have already identified several blogs and blog carnivals that are in my space that I will want to read / link to on my blog.
Thanks to both of you for a quality educational opportunity!
I wanted to say Kudos to Dan for always doing these great teleseminars and I certainly felt humbled to be part of it.