Here’s what TV producers are looking for in a guest
Steve Spangler is a scientist who creates cool tools to teach kids about science. He’s also appeared on Ellen numerous times.
So when he spoke to the National Speakers Association a few weeks ago, he offered these tips to get on Ellen.
— Don’t ask me to introduce you. She really doesn’t know who Steve is. She interviews several people a day, several days a week. Outside of the interview, she doesn’t spend any time with the guests.
— Don’t pitch the producers. They get more material than they can look at. Instead, they have teams of people scour the web looking for new, interesting guests.
Their advice?
"Be active on the web and we’ll find you."
Steve posted numerous "science experiments" on You Tube, including many that blow up things. That’s great TV. See for more info about Steve, or search You Tube for fun stuff!
I’m paraphrasing here, so please forgive any artistic liberties, or faults in my memory for exact quotes. But the sentiment and tone is correct.
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