I saw a speaker recently and left feeling underwhelmed. I realized he committed five deadly sins, which I’ll share with you. To protect the guilty, let’s say his talk was called “How to Change a Tire.”
1. Doesn’t deliver on promise. He didn’t show us – step-by-step how to change a tire. If you say you will show someone how to accomplish a task, you better show him or her how to do it.
2. Too much history. It might be nice to know who invented the tire and learn about how it changed over the years, but really, no one cares.
3. Talk too much about yourself. Yes, we want to know you are credible, but we don’t need to know every job you had.
4. Try too hard to be liked. Yes, it is important to be likeable and it is important for us to know you want to help us. But after a short while, it looked like the Joe Show and not the how to change a tire show.
5. Can’t get through all your handouts and slides. If you give me a handout with 30 slides, I expect you to cover them all – even if only briefly. I don’t care how much value I got from slides 1-15, but if you didn’t touch on slides 16-30, I’m going to feel I missed out on something. Better to offer fewer slides and cover them completely.
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