You’ve seen the easy side of publicity with PR LEADS — the reporters come to you!
The good news is that this is easy and pretty cheap. So what else can you do with the time you’re saving?
Targeting the media you need to reach.
While we are very good at giving you a smorgasboard of opportunities, if you really need to be in Cosmo in six months, we can’t be assured of helping you.
That’s why you might want to do some PR yourself in addition to PR LEADS.
It isn’t rocket science. Anyone can do good PR if you have the right tools.
That’s why I’m recommending you read Bob Bly’s e-book on “Do It Yourself Public Relations.” You’ll learn a lot and it doesn’t cost a fortune like other ebooks online.
Check it out for yourself and see if you’d benefit from this:
Do-It-Yourself Public Relations
Here are some of the tactics you will learn:
-The easiest way on the planet to get your name into the newspaper or your favorite industry magazine next month — or even next week.
-Local newspapers and niche magazines are eagerly waiting to promote your product for you. Here’s how to get them started.
-How the Elks, Chamber of Commerce, and the Rotary Club can make you a local celebrity in your community.
-How to promote yourself on the lecture circuit without ever getting on an airplane or even leaving town.
-Simple trick multiplies the number of sales leads by 10 every time you write and publish an article. Not one marketer in 100 takes advantage of it.
-Self-assessment reveals in 10 minutes exactly what about you and your business is of interest to the media.
-Why and how to start writing articles and columns to attract new business – in the publications your best prospects read.
-How to get an editor to publish your article – without ever meeting her or even talking over the phone.
-How to turn a “no” from the media into a “maybe” – and a “maybe” into a “yes.”
-The world’s worst PR strategy … the best … and how to know the difference.
-How to turn your publicity into a direct response mechanism that draws prospects to your website.
And, much, much more!
Here’s the link to see for yourself and see if you’d benefit from this:
Do-It-Yourself Public Relations
Let me know what you think!
Dan Janal
Your Fearless PR LEADER
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