Who Is Dan Janal?
Dan Janal is Founder and President of PR LEADS Expert Resource Network.
He is responsible for growing the company from startup to more than 5,000 satisfied clients over the past 15 years. He is responsible for skyrocketing sales and marketing, creating clever new products and services, establishing mutually beneficial industry alliances and delivering outstanding customer service and training.
People who know Dan describe him as “warm,” “friendly, “helpful,” “insightful,” “witty” and “caring.”
Dan Janal’s Achievements
The San Francisco Chronicle called Dan Janal “an Email marketing expert.”
The LA Times called Dan Janal “an Internet marketing expert.”
Before starting a career in public relations and marketing, Dan Janal was an award-winning newspaper reporter for the Today newspaper in Cocoa, FL, news editor of the Port Chester (NY) Daily Item and business news editor for the Rockland County (NY) Journal-News. He has won writing awards from the National Education Association and the Hearst Foundation.
He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in journalism from Northwestern University’s famed Medill School of Journalism.
He’s probably the only person who created 8 different businesses that make $100,000 a year by using 8 different business models. He’s spoken on marketing topics and futurism in six countries and four continents and have taught at Berkeley and Stanford. Dan’s one of the most creative, problem-solving persons you’ve ever encountered.
Visit Dan Janal’s keynote speaking website for more information.
The Latest From Dan Janal’s PR LEADS Blog
Feedback on Friends Post
I really set off a firestorm of comments Monday about Facebook using the term “friends” when the people you meet [...]
Referral Key Reviewed by Publicity Expert Dan Janal
Are You Taking on New Clients? Have you seen this subject line in an email? I’m betting you have. I’ve [...]
Social media marketing: Thank you for being a friend
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Oprah Effect – What Authors Can Learn from Oprah
There’s no denying that Oprah can make a company successful overnight. The stories of her successful imprint radiate from the pages of Forbes, Business Week and many others to attest to the kingmaker position Oprah has played. Now that her show is off the air, what are authors, marketers and PR people to do?
Finally, a Real Reason for Authors, Speakers and Consultants to Hop Aboard Facebook
If you’re as tired as I am of reading what your business friends had for dinner, who they partied with and who they are quoting on Facebook, join the crowd. However, I finally found a reason for people like us – authors, coaches and consultants- to finally get a fan page, which is the business side of Facebook in case you didn’t know.
Speaking Fees: How Can I Be a Highly Paid Speaker?
Vickie Sullivan, market and brand strategist for experts, shares her views on how to be a successful, high-paid speaker in today's economy. Yes, it can be done.