How To Retweet Articles You’ve Been Quoted In
It's simple - and you can use your imagination with these formulas.
It's simple - and you can use your imagination with these formulas.
So many authors and speakers write horrible tweets to “humble brag” about their offerings. They write ridiculous messages like “So honored to be on Somebody’s show.” Or “Thrilled to speak to Wonderful group.” These messages are ridiculous because they violate the first rule of marketing success. They don’t answer the question: “What’s in it [...]
Is social media marketing effective? One guru I follow says social media isn’t effective. Then I realized the folly in the question and in his answer. His answer was a one-size fits all answer. That's really not the case. I've been impressed by big companies that have used SM to do a great job with [...]
Are You Taking on New Clients? Have you seen this subject line in an email? I’m betting you have. I’ve gotten a dozen messages from colleagues with the same message. No. It isn’t spam. It’s from a company called Referral Key They let you post a profile of your business and identify the types of [...]
You have a great new product that you want the world to know about. You know that bloggers can have a huge impact on your product. How do you reach them? Here are 10 things to build a good product review strategy with bloggers. 10 Ways to Get Positive Reviews from Bloggers 1. Find them. [...]
Blogging has created many new opportunities for brand managers at large companies and small businesses to get publicity to new market from a trusted source. Many bloggers ask brand managers for sample products to review. How can you as a brand manger determine where to invest your time? And if you are a blogger, how can you build trust with a brand manager so they want to send you the product? This article will discuss the ways bloggers can develop good relations with bloggers.
I’m at BlogWorld at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas with about 3,000 other people trying to make sense of this new media. Here are random thoughts, in no particular order of importance.