PR LEADS General Advice

What Google Never Told You About Google AdSense

How Authors and Experts Can Make Money With Google AdSense: What Google Never Told YouDan Janal interviews Joel CommSeminar date: Thursday, August 25, 2005Thousands of web publishers are using Google AdSense to monetize their sites with pay-per-click text ads. But only a minority are succeeding in generating enough clicks to make a good income with [...]

What Google Never Told You About Google AdSense2005-08-23T14:11:00+00:00

How soon they forget

There's an ad making the rounds in the Minneapolis that I thought was local, but when you read this message, you'll realize it was national and you might have seen it as well. I'm setting this message up like this so I can get your feedback.The TV spot opens with a guy talking about cars, [...]

How soon they forget2016-11-28T23:38:45+00:00

What to do when a reporter doesn't quote you

Question: A reporter interviewed me about tips on exercise. She did a story onthis subject using info I gave her. You guessed it. She didn't give me credit. How do I prevent this from happening?Answer: This happens from time to time and it stinks! I would definitely make a note of the name of the [...]

What to do when a reporter doesn't quote you2005-08-01T08:32:00+00:00

A Tale of Two Press Kits

A Tale of Two Press KitsThe synchronicity of this business never ceases to amaze me!On the same day I heard a wonderful teleseminar about the value of electronic press kits from Michelle Tennant at Wasabi Public Relations as she introduced her new site to host electronic press kits for the media, I received a [...]

A Tale of Two Press Kits2016-11-28T23:38:45+00:00

Viva La France, Viva La Difference

Happy Bastille Day to everyone!Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it is politically incorrect to say anything nice about France, but let's look at the facts and see what it means to you in terms of public relations. Yes, there is a point:France gave us the Statue of Liberty, one of the truly great symbols and [...]

Viva La France, Viva La Difference2005-07-14T09:02:00+00:00

Google Publicity Tactics

Want to find articles about yourself or your company on Google?You've probably done the obvious -- type your name!Here's the real tip, from Bette Price, author of numerous books on management and leadership and a member of PR LEADS since virtually day one:Type your name and the word "article" likeBette Price articleIt helps Google to [...]

Google Publicity Tactics2016-11-28T23:38:45+00:00

A little humility goes a long way

A little humility goes a long way.How's this for a bio, from Robin Getman:"Robin has not written best-selling books, nor appeared on Oprah, nor presented to five thousand audiences on six continents. What Robin has done is help front-line service teams and managers create impact and influence with service that sells, communication that connects and [...]

A little humility goes a long way2005-07-13T07:56:00+00:00

Statistics are Media Magnets

Reporters love statistics. If you can give reporters numbers to round out their stories, you'll be quoted!That's the tip publishing guru Dan Poynter shared with me at the National Speakers Association today. It must work. He was quoted in an article in USA TODAY about parachute safety, another topic he is an expert on."Statistic Banks [...]

Statistics are Media Magnets2005-07-10T20:04:00+00:00

Publicity: Connect the Dots for Successful Marketing

You're an author or entrepreneur and you go to sleep with this one dream in your head every night: "If only I can get the media to cover my book/company/product, then I'd be rich." As a PR person, I share that dream. But I realize one point that they fail to realize: PR is only [...]

Publicity: Connect the Dots for Successful Marketing2016-11-28T23:38:45+00:00

Publicity is child's play

Piggyback is more than a child's game. Piggybacking in press releases could help small companies leap frog over their competitors. Here's how. When you are doing a joint venture with a company that is more well known, issue a press release saying, "Big Company Uses Small Company's Products or Services." Reporters who would normally consider [...]

Publicity is child's play2016-11-28T23:38:45+00:00

Targeted Queries To Save You Time

We get hundreds of leads each day on dozens of topics. But we only send you leads in your specialty to save you time.

PR LEADS helps you:

  Save time
  Save money
  Reduce your stress
  Make getting publicity fun
  And, it's easy to use...
  We'll even train you!

The Easier Way To Get Publicity

PR LEADS has helped more than 4,000 business experts, solo PR firms, and small businesses. And we can help you get the publicity you need to:

  Build credibility
  Create marketing tools for your handouts and websites
  Position you as an expert
  Show why you are better and different from competitors
  Justify raising your rates and fees
  Grow your business
  Help your clients get publicity

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