PR LEADS General Advice

Book Marketing Tips: How to Build Your Email List & Sell More Books in 6 Months

Book Marketing Tips: How to Build Your Email List & Sell More Books in 6 Months By Dan Janal Article marketing is the best book sales lead generation technique on the Web today. Unfortunately, many authors writing articles on the Web fall short in their book marketing efforts. They simply can’t get people to visit [...]

Book Marketing Tips: How to Build Your Email List & Sell More Books in 6 Months2016-11-28T23:38:41+00:00

My Success names PR LEADS the "Program of the Week"

PR LEADS is the "Program of the Week" for My Success, a site that helps provide great information for entrepreneurs and small business.You can listen to my 35-minute podcast with Jim Peak by going to this page:http://www.mysuccessgateway.comThe program will go live Thursday morning, February 21, 2007.If you are not a PR LEADS client, you'll [...]

My Success names PR LEADS the "Program of the Week"2016-11-28T23:38:43+00:00

Time Management: Gain an hour a day!

If you're like me, you are inundated by spam. Each time your email refreshes, you see more and more junk you have to delete. This just wastes time!I didn't realize how much time I lost until I subscribed to a service that blocks spam called SpamArrest.You've probably seen this service. I know I have, because [...]

Time Management: Gain an hour a day!2016-11-28T23:38:43+00:00

Article Marketing Return on Investment: How To Determine Your Article Marketing Success

When prospective clients call and ask about our article marketing service, two of their most frequently asked questions are: “ How do I measure my article marketing return on investment?” and “How do I know if my investment in time, energy and manpower is really paying off?”Here are two formulas you can use to determine [...]

Article Marketing Return on Investment: How To Determine Your Article Marketing Success2016-11-28T23:38:43+00:00

How to Have Your Best Year Ever 1-30-07

Have your New Year's resolutions already gone by the wayside? Regardless of whether or not you hit your goal for 2006, did you feel the January blahs?In this special teleseminar and interview, Mark LeBlanc, will share a number of his unique insights around what it really takes to have the best year of your life [...]

How to Have Your Best Year Ever 1-30-072007-01-28T17:38:00+00:00

Guy Kawasaki and the "War Gene"

I first met Guy Kawasaki in 1990 when he was the noted software evangelist for Apple Computer and he was crusading across the world convincing software developers to write programs for the Macintosh and I was fairly well-known PR person specializing in high tech products.We were at a luncheon sponsored by a Macintosh magazine and [...]

Guy Kawasaki and the "War Gene"2016-11-28T23:38:43+00:00

How to use your Blog to get publicity teleseminar

If You Build a Blog, How Do You Get them to Read It? Everyone has a blog. But how can you use it increase your visibility and publicity?Join me and Nettie Hartsock - Principal of Hartsock Communications - and Business Advisor and Editor for's Must Read Business Books Blog to learn how.In our [...]

How to use your Blog to get publicity teleseminar2016-11-28T23:38:43+00:00

Green Is the New Black

Attention tree huggers! Your time has come.Environmentalism and energy independence will two of the biggest news stories this year. Consider this:1. Business Week devotes its cover story to this topics this week.2. Forbes' inspirational quotes this week are about the environment.3. One of my clients proposed this idea to me last week BEFORE the magazines [...]

Green Is the New Black2016-11-28T23:38:43+00:00

How Can I Get into Oprah's Magazine?

Susan Harrow has interviewed publicists who regularly gettheir clients featured in 0 and people like you who havedone it themselves. Some of their results:==> "The O feature got us into over 100 retail outlets,"says Denise Loren of, whose companymakes DVDs for dogs, which increased her business by 75%.With no money spent on advertising they [...]

How Can I Get into Oprah's Magazine?2016-11-28T23:38:43+00:00

Wall Street Journal Redesigns Newspaper

The Wall Street Journal showed the world its redesigned newspaper this week. If you subscribe to the hard copy, you'll see a narrower newspaper, larger fonts, more color and lots of other changes. Some big. Some small.I'd suggest you go to the library and pick up a copy of Tuesday's edition, which explains why the [...]

Wall Street Journal Redesigns Newspaper2007-01-04T08:14:00+00:00

Targeted Queries To Save You Time

We get hundreds of leads each day on dozens of topics. But we only send you leads in your specialty to save you time.

PR LEADS helps you:

  Save time
  Save money
  Reduce your stress
  Make getting publicity fun
  And, it's easy to use...
  We'll even train you!

The Easier Way To Get Publicity

PR LEADS has helped more than 4,000 business experts, solo PR firms, and small businesses. And we can help you get the publicity you need to:

  Build credibility
  Create marketing tools for your handouts and websites
  Position you as an expert
  Show why you are better and different from competitors
  Justify raising your rates and fees
  Grow your business
  Help your clients get publicity

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