Has the Internet become such a big place that a niche exists for marketing strategies just involving Google?
Dave Taylor provides the truthful evidence that is a resounding “Yes” with his new book, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Growing Your Business with Google.” Dave is no stranger to the Internet. He wrote the second book about online marketing back in 1996. I wrote the third book. He’s since gone on to write 15 books and create four extremely successful web businesses while still maintaining a balanced life, which includes his award-winning photography talents. His sites include www.askDaveTaylor.com.
Google is more than just a search engine. It is an department store that provides tools to build a solid business and tools for growth. He presents clear strategies for creating successful online stores; as well as tactics for implementing Google’s Ad Words, Ad Sense as well as decipher the mystery of how to get decent ranking on the search engine.
For newbies, there is ample information on how to create the strategy to build a web site and expand it with content.
This is also one of the few books that addresses issues for information publisher.
Regardless of your level of experience, this book is must reading for people who want to make money online.
Dan Janal
Your Fearless PR LEADER
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