Question: Who is the intended audience?
Answer: Salespeople, Sales Managers, Sales VP’s, Sales Directors, Professionals in Service Firms, Entrepreneurs and Baseball Fans.
Q: What is the book about?
A: This book is about sales and baseball and how, using the baseball analogy, they are nearly the same. Four bases, four (not 7) steps. All-star baseball players share many of the same characteristics with all-star salespeople. This book will take veteran and rookie salespeople alike on a unique journey through selling, covering everything, leaving out nothing, and providing plenty of examples along the way. All to simply selling to the degree that you can sell more, in less time, more easily.
Q: Why are you the best person to write this book?
A: My company, Objective Management Group, Inc., has assessed hundreds of thousands of salespeople and that experience, data, and understanding, along with my 25 years of training and developing salespeople and sales managers, gives me a unique perspective on how to help salespeople over achieve.
Q: How is this book different from other books on this topic?
A: Baseline Selling answers the question, “why do 74% of all salespeople suck?” and shows that it’s more because the sales training establishment has complicated things so much, than because the profession has become so much more difficult. The book accomplishes its goal of simplifying the sales process so that veterans can quickly become more effective, and newer salespeople can ramp up more quickly. It does so by utilizing a baseball analogy which nearly anyone can easily follow, remember and apply.
Q: Is there anything else we should know about this book?
A: The book is already a best-seller, is required reading by sales experts and companies around the world, and is a fun, memorable and powerful read. Read reviews and what the sales experts have to say at
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