Dan Janal

About Dan Janal

Dan Janal is Founder and President of PR LEADS Expert Resource Network.

USA TODAY called Dan Janal “a true Internet pioneer” because he has more than 20 years of PR experience. He was on the PR team that launched America Online. He also handled PR assignments for IBM, Reader’s Digest, American Express, AT&T and more than 100 other high-tech companies, including many startups. He was responsible for the PR that introduced the CD ROM industry, as he served as PR counsel to Grolier and their Electronic Encyclopedia, the first piece of consumer software for CD-ROMS.

The San Francisco Chronicle called Dan Janal “an Email marketing expert.”

The LA Times called Dan Janal “an Internet marketing expert.”

Join PR Leads today and get Dan Janal's 30+ years of media and publicity experience on your side and in your corner.

Free Publicity Tips: Pitch Letters Must be Written for Mobile Reporters and Producers

People have shorter attention spans than ever before.

Free Publicity Tips: Pitch Letters Must be Written for Mobile Reporters and Producers2019-09-27T22:07:48+00:00

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The Easier Way To Get Publicity

PR LEADS has helped more than 4,000 business experts, solo PR firms, and small businesses. And we can help you get the publicity you need to:

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  Position you as an expert
  Show why you are better and different from competitors
  Justify raising your rates and fees
  Grow your business
  Help your clients get publicity

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