Question: Who is the intended audience? Answer: Everyone who wants to improve the security and the yield on their investments and stop losing money.
Q: What is the book about? A: Former stock broker and investment banking guru outlines the results of his investigation on the number one investment in America. It is not offered at any stock brokerage firm, bank, insurance company or any financial advisory firm. It is a disciplined plan that anyone can learn and participate in to provide a secure financial future. Outlined in the book are ways to let other people fund your retirement, your child’s education and your future medical expense.
Q: Why are you the best person to write this book? A: My 40 years experience investing in real estate, 22 years as a stock broker, 5 years experience as a motivational speaker and former newspaper editor gives me the capability to do the research and draw the right conclusions.
Q: How is this book different from other books on this topic? A: No one else has ever been so specific and detailed on the number one investment in America and all the elements that make it number one. It outlines, in simple detail, how anyone can learn and initiate this powerful investment plan that is a part of the American Dream.
Q: Is there anything else we should know about this book? A: It is so much harder to get your money back after you’ve lost it than to keep it and grow it safely and securely. This is no get rich quick program. This investment is safer than your retirement program and has more tax benefits which you never need to repay. Every investor should add this book to their library to compare with all other investment advice presented by others. You will soon be able to understand why it is number one and why there isn’t even a close second.
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