Question: Who is the intended audience?
Answer: The intended audience is all military personnel and their families, members of law enforcement at any level of government, and anyone who loves a good murder mystery with an exciting and surprising plot.
Q: What is the book about?
A: Becky Lippert and Bobby Garrett con young military men out of their life savings. The attractive and sexy Becky lures them into marrying her before they are deployed. Meanwhile Bobby submits the paperwork to have them declared Killed in Action. They embezzle the life insurance money from the government. Naval Criminal Investigative Services, along with Pat and Joe McKinney are brought in to try to stop these perpetrators from continuing on their vicious crime spree.
Q: Why are you the best person to write this book?
A: I am a former Navy Submariner and have seen first-hand this type of situation. The storyline is exaggerated for dramatic effect. It pains and angers me to see our young men and women in service exploited while they’re risking their lives to protect our freedoms.
Q: How is this book different from other books on this topic?
A: Most murder mysteries clearly define the good guys and the bad guys. In this story, you empathize with at least one of the perpetrators due to her upbringing and poor lot in life. Also, the good guys have a past that is tainted. They were not-so-good guys in A Lifetime of Vengeance, the predecessor to A Lifetime of Deception. You don’t need to read the previous story to get full reading pleasure from this book. They are distinctly different stories.
Q: Is there anything else we should know about this book?
A: A Lifetime of Deception is the second novel in the McKinney Brothers Murder Mystery series. The next in the series is tentatively called A Lifetime of Exposure where the McKinney Brothers attempt to track down a murderer who is also the purveyor of covertly obtained pornography.
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