Question: Who is the intended audience?
Answer: The intended audience is definitley not children. It’s no more violent or “in the gutter” as, say, a Stephen King novel, and the book’s aimed toward that audience. I’d say 18 and up can give it a go. But I had no “intended audience” in mind while writing it. If people think it sounds like a good read, then that’s the intended audience.
Q: What is the book about?
A: The novel is all about hope. Yes, there’s a wide-spread power outage, mass hysteria and what can best be described as zombies running around (there’s your gore), but that’s just the story. It’s all about how these people in this one small town find hope during a situation when there appears to be none.
Q: Why are you the best person to write this book?
A: I’m neither the best nor the worst person to tell this story – I just happen to be the one that jotted it into my computer and put it out there. I wrote it not seeking fame or fortune – something like that happens very seldom for an author.
I wrote it because I’m a storyteller and always have been. I tried this story as a screenplay for years, and that just never worked. If you want to see examples of some bad writing, you should see those pages. Not good. Luckily they’re long gone. But once the idea hit me to give it a try as a novel, everything fell into place.
Q: How is this book different from other books on this topic?
A: I don’t know if it’s different, but rather an extension of disaster and zombie movies/stories, a different take on those two genres slammed together. The “zombies” aren’t zombies – I don’t really care for that term myself – but they are indeed part of the undead family. They think, they plan, they’re really just the characters that end up being the undead in a different light: the worst of people. And within their heads, we get to see what they’re thinking. Some of them fall into the trap of violence and hate while others fight for the hope that is the soul of the book. It’s actually through some of these undead folks that we see the best of people.
Q: Is there anything else we should know about this book?
A: This book was a labor of love, as is the one I’m working on now. Although the ending seems open for a sequel – and I’ve been asked about one – there will be no sequel. Those characters have been through enough, I think they deserve to live out the rest of their lives in a good way. Plus, I have too many other stories I want to tell before I end up in a grave. There’s also the fact that I simply have no idea what would happen in a sequel. I think Moonlight ended up being a real good thing, and I do my best to not screw up a good thing.
A “different take on a zombie disaster,” and “the zombies aren’t really zombies.” Sounds like a thriller to me. I wish you great success with your book, Keith. Keep reading and keep writing.
Betty Dravis