Larry writes:
One radio program has asked for two copies of my book to look over. I take that as a foot in the door. How long should I wait before following up with an inquiry?
Congratulations, Larry. Any time reporters ask for your materials, that’s a good sign. I’d suggest you call or email them as soon as you think they should have received your materials. So if you sent it by overnight courier, call the next day. You can even check online to see when the package was delivered. If you use USPS Priority Mail, give it 2-3 days. But definitely follow up. Not following up is a sin — and many people fail to follow up. Guess what? They don’t get interviewed!
I conducted a teleseminar on “How to Pitch Reporters” with Joan Stewart, the Publicity Hound and we were lucky enough to record it. For information on how you can get your copy, click here
Dan Janal
Your Fearless PR LEADER
PR LEADS Expert Resource Network
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