Generating positive word of mouth on the Internet is the best way to get consumers to buy your products.
A recent survey in Editor and Publisher magazine confirms this startling statement. More people, by far, rely on the web than on newspapers, magazines and TV for information about what products to buy.
Want to know the worst medium?
I’ll show you why you need to write articles and syndicate them on the Internet so you can build traffic to your website and make more sales in this Thursday’s teleseminar at 2 p.m. Eastern time on April 6, 2006.
You’ll also learn how to:
-write articles that are sure to hook your readers
-submit your articles to syndication sites
-get editors to reprint your articles without sending one piece of email
-get readers to visit your site
-get visitors to take action to build a relationship with you that can lead to sales
To register for the free teleseminar, entitled “How to Syndicate Your Articles on the Internet to Build More Traffic and Make More Sales,” click here:
If you can’t attend the session, you can order the transcript for $9.95
All the best,
Dan Janal
Your Fearless PR LEADER
PR LEADS Expert Resource Network
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