Northwest Airlines sent me a nice letter yesterday saying they were entering the electronic age and now would be sending me my mileage statement by email instead of by paper.
In other words, they don’t want to spend the money on printing, paper and postage.
But it also means I won’t see their special offers and coupons for their affiliate partners either.
In other words, BAD MOVE.
Susan Friedmann, the Trade Show Coach, was on my teleseminar recently talking about how she built her own six figure coaching business by following the premise, “If everyone else is zigging, then I should be zagging.” She gave other great tips about growing a business as well during the seminar, which is now available as a transcript or CD at this site.
Isn’t it funny that by the time Northwest finally woke up to the paperless office, they might have done so for the wrong reason?
As for me — I’m going to zag. I’m going to start doing more direct mail simply because everyone else is doing email — and fewer people are reading any advertising!
I’ve signed up for Dan Kennedy’s copy writing seminars in March. I’ll let you know what I think of them.
Dan Janal
Your Fearless PR LEADER
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