A client called the other day with dread in her voice.

All her efforts to sell her product have been met with less than spectacular results. She has a good product, but it just isn’t selling. She asked what was wrong and what she could do.

Without knowing all the details, I suggested four things that could be wrong — and that could be wrong with your marketing as well:

– wrong price
– wrong message
– wrong audience
– wrong time

I also suggested that she might need help in selling her product and that she should look to distributors and catalogs that would reach her audience. Sure, she would have to give the distributors part of the action, but 50 percent of something is better than 100 percent of nothing.

Rather than admit defeat and being a rotten online marketer which was how she was berating herself, I suggested that no matter how good she is, no one has all the money or time to reach all the potential markets for her product. Even if she was doing great, she should be looking to create alliances and find people willing to sell her products.

There’s no shame in admitting that you have only so many hours in the day to market your products and services. There’s no shame in admitting you have a limited budget of dollars that can be spent on various marketing methods.

But there is shame and conceit in saying you and only you can do the job yourself. You need to find partners who can help you sell your products and services. Pay them well, and they will reward you with more clients and customers.

Dan Janal
Your Fearless PR LEADER