Remember the old American Express commercial that said, “Don’t leave home without it?”

Well, here’s another line for you: “Testimonials: Don’t send an email without one.”

That’s the advice of Alex Goldfayn author of “The Revenue Growth Habit

I took his advice for a long time and sent an email with a testimonial from Alan Weiss. It was a tremendous testimonial. Here it is:

“PR Leads is one of those rare offerings that promise a lot and then over-delivers. I’m getting three interviews with every four responses I make, and that’s happening at least twice a week. I’m a tough critic, and Dan provides an outstanding service.”
Alan Weiss, Ph.D.
Author, “Million Dollar Consulting”

But I used it for so long, I was afraid people’s eyes would glaze over.

So I was delighted to learn that the company that makes the software for my email signature lets me add an unlimited number of testimonials to the end of my signature – and automatically rotates them! It also allows me to create numerous signatures so I can pick and choose the perfect testimonial for each perfect occasion.

Now I won’t bore my email correspondents with the same material. I can spice it up!

I can use ones like these:

“Dan, you opened doors which I did not know existed, and turned the strange and complicated world of PR into a simple, effective plan. As most brilliant people do, you made a complex process simple. Thank you.”

Paul King CEO, Hercules Networks


“Dan, your coaching and advising has truly added to the growth of my public relations campaign. You are a true partner and I appreciate your tireless effort to help improve and accelerate my success with the media.”

Dr. David Washington Author, Life is a Choice: A Guide to Success in Life


The service I use to create the signature is (get this) free! It’s called Wise Stamp It’s easy to set up and it works with most email programs.

Here’s the official blurb:
WiseStamp email signatures enables users to easily create professional looking and engaging email signatures. Users can easily add their info, picture, social profiles (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook etc.) and a relevant call to action, plus their latest tweet, upcoming webinar, follow button, banner, newsletter signup or latest updating blog post etc. to every email they send.

You might be wondering how to get testimonials. Fortunately, Alex has a simple way to help you do that:

In his books, he suggests you ask the client:
“What are some of your favorite things you like about working with us?”

The client replies.

Then you follow up with one of these questions: How does that help you? Why did you say that? Why is that important?

Bingo. You have a testimonial.

The best part is that it is something that is true and in the client’s own words. It will ring with authenticity!

Here are your three branding tips:

1.     Get testimonials using Alex’ tactic. Better yet, get his book, The Revenue Growth Habit and start implementing all the tactics that make sense to you.
2.     Get WiseStamp and post your testimonials. I have 15 and will load more. You can start with one – but start!
3.     Send your emails! Simple.

So, let me ask you a question: What are some of your favorite things about working with me? Send me an email ( and maybe I’ll feature you in my testimonial file!


Link to Alex’ book:
Link to WiseStamp: